Thursday, October 22, 2009

Operation 50 Pounds!

The last couple of weeks I have been dreaming of myself in bed because I am too fat to walk. People are laughing at me and I am crying. Yesterday morning I woke up and told myself enough is enough! I am losing 50 pounds. I have been reading up online some tips on how to do that. It said to make it public. So that's what I am doing! I am going to be sharing my weight loss journey on this blog. So when I post that I have lost weight you don't have to read it if you don't want to. I will be doing this for me (I guess its easier to break your diet when nobody knows your on it). So yesterday I started. I worked out for 30 min ( did an on demand workout), ate really healthy, and didn't snack. Today I weighed myself and I have lost 2 pounds already! I was excited! Now all I need to lose is 48 pounds ha! Wish me luck everybody!


Casey said...

Good job! You'll do great. A few friends of mine have done something similar and it worked well for them. They just blogged once a week about their progress or lack of progress and they each ended up making their goal. :)

Unknown said...

The whole household over here is also doing a similar weight loss goal . . . we are racing to lose twenty pounds each. Good luck! We feel your pain. :o)

(And for the record, I don't think you don't have to lose 50 pounds! You are beautiful!)

Unknown said...

I'm on an operation lose 40 - 50 pounds too! Good Luck!

Tracy said...

Hi you dont know me I clicked on link from Casey who is cousin to my cousins wife !!!!!! kind of know what I mean ? I also have to loose 50lb lets work on it together? I guess public blogging is good idea Good Luck