Sunday, February 24, 2008

My prayer came true!

The past couple day have been really hard for me. The other night I had a really high fever and passed out from the heat. That was really scary for Joe and my family. I woke up the next morning and was fine but really weak from the night before. I had to work last night (close) and It just wasn't fun closing when we couldn't find a big chunk of the money to count. We stayed late and then the company was going to a movie that started at 10:30 so we had to go. When I got there my boss said congrats! I said for what? she said for getting Assistant Manager! I was very excited because they interviewed a bunch of people for that position and I couldn't believe I had gotten it! I had prayed about a week ago about it and I just had this feeling like this is your month..So in a way I new I was going to get it. Maybe this will be our month finally get that bun in the oven! I put some pics of my favorite clothing we sell!

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