Friday, October 11, 2013

Funny boys!

My kids are funny, here is why:
Brady: I'm a milk boy


Brady: if I can't marry Ellie then I'm going to marry a boy!"

Brady: mom are you a wife?
Me: Yes
Brady: Oh I thought there was a wife inside you. Lets play eat the wife!

Connor: I'm a swambie (Zombie) I'm going to kill you! 
Brady: Connor swambies don't kill people they just eat their brains!
Connor: and neckies? (Necks) 


Connor: when it's heaven day we will all go to heaven. Today is not heaven day.


Brady: do you know when my favorite time of church is?
Me: when?
Brady: when it's time to go home.

Me: what would you like for dinner?
Connor: baby chickens. 

Me: Brady you're so nice 
Brady:yeah that's why God made me.
Connor:you know why God made me?
Me: why?
Connor: for danger.
Me: oh yay it's sunny outside!
Connor: that means it's Sunday.

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