Monday, December 27, 2010

Brady two year stats

Brady went in for his two year checkup. The doctor says he is doing well. Here are his stats:

Weight: 27 pounds 25-50%
height: 35 in 75-90%
Head: 19 90-95% ( what do you expect, he's a Johnson. Johnson's are known for their big heads)

We have to bring him back in 3 months to monitor his weight. He is a little too skinny. I am trying really hard to plump that boy up but he would rather play than eat. Hopefully there is nothing seriously wrong with him, and he is just a picky eater. He still needs to go get his two year shots done, thats a dad job.

It is really nice being back in oak harbor. I have so much to do but playing on my new iPad is funner than doing laundry and cleaning. I will be staying here until Joe deploys in janurary for a month and a half.

1 comment:

TinnyMey said...

you are a beautifull family, nice pictures...and a lovley dog.
my english is not so good, sorry!
best wishes