Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011

I started the year of 2010 around 14 weeks pregnant with baby Connor. I guess you can say that the year of 2010 was mostly a year of losing sleep, being in pain, and the excitement of bringing our second child into this world. I am happy to see 2011. This year will be my year of weight loss and hopefully more sleep. I have never made any new years resolutions, this year will be my first and hopefully i can succeed in my attempt. I will lose 40 pounds this year. This year I will eat healthy, work out, and not get pregnant haha. Let the weight loss begin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so silly. I think you look beautiful and do not have to lose weight, but if you want to then I wish you luck on your goal. I am trying to get into shape as well-- hopefully we will both make it!