Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So I know that I only have two kids and most of you that look at my blog have double that but I can't believe how hard it is! I don't know how people do it with more! Joe went back to work today, the house is a mess, and I don't think I slept at all last night. Hopefully things get easier once I get used to having the kids to myself everyday. So far Brady has been good on moms first day of having him to myself and that I am thankful for! Now it is time for me to lay down because the boys are both sleeping..:)


Brooke said...

I know how that is, Mandy! It WILL get easier. I wish I could come clean up for you and give you a little break. Oh and maybe even hold those sweet boys of yours!

Joys Dumb Deals said...

When you are getting sleep, the sun shines so much brighter and the world is a better place.

Just keep reminding yourself, "this is TEMPORARY!"

Your family will settle into a new schedule, Connor will sleep at night (as hard as that is to believe right now), and it WILL get better.

Oh, and when you figure out how to have a clean house, let me know.

Anonymous said...

WOW! You have two adorable boys! I still can't beleive it! So is there anything you DON'T have? I want to send something home with you mom when she comes to Idaho. I can't wait to meet those two little ones...that's weird, I haven't even met brady yet. We grew up seeing each other every summer. I miss those days! Love ya and give kisses for me.

Anonymous said...

WOW! You have two adorable boys! I still can't beleive it! So is there anything you DON'T have? I want to send something home with you mom when she comes to Idaho. I can't wait to meet those two little ones...that's weird, I haven't even met brady yet. We grew up seeing each other every summer. I miss those days! Love ya and give kisses for me.